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[Help] Document network layout & settings   [Help!]

By: Laurent Duchastel     Montréal, Québec  
Date: Dec 13,2005 at 07:21

I got many small contracts recently to develop / maintain small SOHO LAN, with VPN, Remote Desktop, etc.

The problem I am facing now is that I can't remember all passwords, settings, fixed IP, LAN layout, hardware specifications, special email account I create for each LAN, peripherals and remote access settings for each LAN. Too many things to remember!

Because I want freeware or open source solutions, I actually keep most of these information within a Keypass database (http://keepass.sourceforge.net/) but this is tedious. Documentation of LAN visual layout is done with Dia, but again, tedious. All information must be entered and maintain manually, and because of that, is often obselete.

I wonder if there is some *freeware* network management and documentator available. What would you recommand?

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