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[Wish] Option to keep copy/move MB/s stats on the screen   [Wish]

By: RGKnott       
Date: Jan 08,2015 at 19:42

After I have copied/moved a lot of files, I often wish ZTreeWin could have as one its options to leave the results of the operation on the screen. Or possibly even log the results to a log file.

After completing the file transfer operation it already knows the elapsed time and the number of bytes transferred. So just calculate the overall MB/s and optionally pause there with the elapsed time and average MB/s displayed on the screen. The user would then be required to press a key, after having a chance to examine the results, to return as normally occurs.

For example, Alt-Mirror now looks something like:

MIRROR: Duplicate Branch & COPY logged files F4 Replace mode (Older) F8 Sync (No)
To: D:\TMP
Enter path Tab Paths F2 Browse F3 Last ↑ History ◄─┘ OK Esc Cancel

So maybe at that point add option such as F7 Pause at completion (No)

Or something like that. Then by pressing F7 the option "Yes" could be selected, for this operation only, as the default would be No. Or maybe No/Yes/Log could be the options.

I can get a good feel of how fast my file transfers are, and how long they're taking from watching ZTreeWin during a long operation now. The values fluctuate during the process, which is good. However, I think it would be also useful to be able to see the elapsed time and average MB/s for the entire operation at its completion. Moreover, this information would generally more useful than running a drive speed test program, because it's actual disk usage by the customer under actual and current conditions.

Years I spent in performance & tuning. So I might wish for even more information, such as a breakdown by file characteristics and access times and bus speeds and graphs and plots and things like that and exportable to a spreadsheet or something. But no, there are other tools for that for people who really need it. Just this simple enhancement would be great.

Thanks for all you do,

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