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[NOTICE] The ZTreeWin Release Plan   [Notice]

By: Steven Fondren     Seattle, WA  
Date: Feb 13,2002 at 09:04
In Response to: [NOTICE] The ZTreeWin Release Plan (John Gruener)


> While there continue to be dozens of things some of us, (including Kim), would
> like to get into 1.50, the reality is that there is no time left to incorporate
> them before the next public release. Therefore, Kim has decided to release a
> version 1.49 . This will be followed in a matter of months by version 1.50. The
> current beta, in it's present form, is far superior to 1.41, and fixes a few
> problems that need attention in 1.41. An updated ZTreeWin needs to be released
> now!
. I also am hammering on this product daily. I have read the concern about the urgency of a 1.49 (after a number of years since last release) and wonder what business plan dictates the "needs to be released now" and no explaination. I have taken this road with my own develoment team and the outcome is not pretty when you take into consideration the typical customer and the expectation after this amount of time. So I will take it on face value, the product must be released. If you know about a bug, I wouldn't be to cavalier in assuming the public will be OK with it since a next release is only months away. A good triage is in order and a "known bugs" document should be in the build if going forward (something missing in 1.41). Or, reassess the wait alternative. I am on board with your 4 requests.
Happy hammering.

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