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[Tip] My C: disk organization   [Tip]

By: Slobodan Vujnovic   Homepage   France  
Date: Feb 19,2003 at 01:42
In Response to: [Tip] My C: disk organization (Andrew Atton)

> Yes, but I suppose you could have directories:

> 1Work
> 2Play
> 3Stuff

Exactly, there is lots of room for creativity here:

0__________________________________JUNK, TEMP

Another advantage is that all numeric dirs fit on the first screen, no matter how large the number of first-level dirs is, because they come before alphabetic names.
So every time you hit Log,X, you will see them.

I use \0 a lot for temporary stuff that I don't care about. \9 is for stuff that has to be moved somewhere eventually on this same disk. I keep those essential dirs short because if I ever have to access some tool or file from the command line, I just type C:\1\tool.exe or DIR C:\0\*.txt.

Otherwise, I use lots of long dir names. What I have accepted and no longer try to fight is that dirs are now a way of documenting things, with spaces and all. Sorry Michael :-).

I no longer see this as an inconvenience, as I rarely need to access anything via the command line these days. (Aren't the recent discoveries how C:\Program Files\... logic "works" fun?)

With ZTree, I navigate disks as web pages, so the more explicit the dir and file names are the better. I have lots of empty files and dirs (and F9 entries) because they are used as pure text.

My approach: use the shortest possbile names if you have to eventually type them in; otherwise (ab)use those long names whenever you can :-)

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