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Ctrl-G problem   [Release]

By: Ron Metzger       
Date: Sep 05,2003 at 04:40
In Response to: Ctrl-G problem (Kim Henkel)

> (Please remember to change the subject line so that the thread becomes
> meaningful ;-)

> Do you recall what drives you had logged, and if the number '54' seems
> significant?
> Did you accurately duplicate the tagged files from the previous scenario?

> thanks
> Kim

I believe I repeated the process accurately, but I couldn't testify to it.
The process I was going thru is something I do daily/hourly (updating HotFixes from MS, updating AV Signature files from various sources). I usually do things in a pretty standard way; I like to get to good stopping points so that I don't forget things (the devil is in the details). The number of Files could very well be 54 that were tagged (seems reasonable for the operation I was doing).

The exact process: Having saved several AV .htm files, I usually go back and change the date/time stamps to reflect when I downloaded them except I change the time to midnight. Therefore, all files downloaded today have a timestamp of 2003-09-04 0:00:00 (yyyy-mm-dd order). It helps me in organizing what is newly downloaded and what I have 'committed' to disk. When I see the midnight timestamp, I have finished that 'process.'

It was my intent to change the timestamp when the bug happened. I had logged my entire AV directory and sorted them by time, latest at the bottom. I tagged all relevent files that have a non-0:00:00 time. I then went to the DW to chech another folder. Nothing to do their. I hit Ctrl-G to change the timestamps and BAM.

I hope this is good info. I could go on, but . . .


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